As written in an earlier post the push for gay marriage has never been about equality, but about destroying traditional America and its Judeo-Christian beliefs. In March of this year I wrote an article entitled “The Evolution of Beliefs” in association with the topic of gay marriage, and I would encourage you to read that article again. I also recommended a book by Dr. Erwin Lutzer entitled “The Truth about Same-Sex Marriage,” and you can purchase a copy from Barnes & Noble for less than ten dollars. Dr. Lutzer provides valuable insight as he quotes the political and cultural leaders of the homosexual movement about their real agenda.
As a Christian who believes the Bible to be the very Word of God and accurate in all its teachings, I find it horrifying to see the rise in percentages of those who claim to follow Christ supporting gay marriage and the homosexual agenda. The numbers seem to indicate the shift of support for gay marriage is occurring mostly in adolescents and young adult populations. To be fair there’s also been a noted change in the attitudes among those in their 30s and 40s as well. The media and public schools have been extremely successful in normalizing homosexual behavior by bombarding our society through film and television, and as well with pro-homosexual materials and slanted studies. They’ve been so successful that many in the Church have been swayed in their beliefs.
Now here’s the absurdity of Christians supporting gay marriage. First the term “gay” is a politically correct term that softens the reality surrounding the real issue of homosexuality, and that issue is sin. As Christians we are often quick to fall in line and adopt secular slang, arguments, and positions without examining them in the light of God’s Word. The Scriptures leave no room for debate that this particular behavior is sinful. If Christians follow the logic of secular society that says homosexuality is genetically determined and therefore not a sin they stand in direct opposition to God. Truthfully, we’re all genetically predisposed to sin because of our sin nature, and this places homosexuals in the same position with the rest of humanity. Our genetic makeup is not an excuse for the sinful choices we make in life, and for Christians to support such ideas is heretical.
The whole idea that we do not choose who we love is a lie. We make choices every day based upon our own personal preferences, and especially those with whom we choose to enter into intimate relationships. To justify the sin of homosexuality is no different than justifying any other sin such as adultery, or God forbid something as vile as bestiality. Just because a majority of people say something is right doesn’t make it so. The ultimate arbitrator of right and wrong is God; He has clearly defined the standards of right and wrong as revealed in His Word, and for those who are to be in a right standing with Him. Homosexuality cannot be defended biblically just as the mass murdering of children in the womb is indefensible. There is no excuse.
I understand there’s a growing number of families’ having to deal with this issue, and even Christian families are not immune from the homosexual debate. We have family, friends, and coworkers who are coming out of “the closet” who we love forcing us to deal with this not just in society but in the church also. Many Christians in their desire to be supportive and understanding have attempted to alter their biblical views in order to be accepting, and in so doing they unwittingly subvert truth and oppose God. Our acceptance and love for another is never dependent upon our approving of their behavioral choices.
I leave you with two thoughts.
One, the words of Christ as He addresses the woman caught in the act of adultery (John 7:53 – 8:11). Note in the passage that Christ Jesus lovingly accepts the woman but He does not condone her sin. He sends her away with an explicit command to change and sin no more. Obviously there’s much more to this passage, but His not condemning her shouldn’t be construed as approval. His act is one of grace and mercy in accordance with His divine nature as God, and part of the mission of His first advent.
Two, I share with you a quote from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in regards to gay marriage. Mr. Perkins stated, “You can make it legal, you can never make it right.” No matter what decisions the Supreme Court makes in the future or the laws passed by Congress and signed by the President of the United States, if they are contrary to the Word of God they will always be wrong. As Christians we need to remember that our God is greater than the United States and her governing bodies; God's idea of marriage has always been and always will be one man and on woman for a lifetime.