- Read a chapter of Proverbs corresponding to each day’s date to begin your day.
- Determine to carry out at least one act of kindness toward a stranger or someone in need.
- Offer to pray for someone and then pray immediately in their presence.
- Walk through your neighborhood and pray for opportunities to share Christ.
- When you lay down to sleep at night recite John 3:16 to remind yourself of God’s great love.
Asking the right questions when looking for a new church home is vital for your spiritual well-being and that of your family.
The article below was written by a good friend named Chuck Wilson, and is part of a conversation he had with his son, a student at Duke University School of Law concerning our Constitution. I received permission from Chuck to print this some time ago and was waiting for the right time; today is the right day as our country once again heads to the polls. Just a little about Chuck Wilson. He served our country in Iraq as member of the United States Marines, and his service continues presently as a law enforcement officer. Chuck is extremely intelligent and well versed biblically. I hope he will consider writing more in the future. By Chuck Wilson
The United States Constitution should not be abandoned, rather it should be held up as a triumph of mankind and divine inspiration. It was cultivated in the fertile minds of some of the greatest men in human history. Two men in particular; John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, proved that their dichotomous relationship and mutual respect of one another despite starkly different ideological views was the perfect recipe for a document that has stood the test of time and will likely endure for centuries to come. The United States Constitution is the perfect mix of dogma and flexibility. The constitution's primary genius is the idea of "checks and balances." It seems likely that in light of the preceding document, "The Declaration of Independence" (of which the United States Constitution appears to be the natural outgrowth) which employed language invoking divine authority, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It appears the constitution is a microcosm of the Christian faith. Indeed the separation of powers between a strong executive, a bicameral congress and an independent judiciary is reminiscent of the separate but equal powers of the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (who is both God and man), and God the Spirit. The idea that government governs with the consent of the governed seems reminiscent of a superior and sovereign God Who is yet so inclined to extend to men the freewill to choose their own eternal destinies. The bill of rights seems to further the image of a magnanimous God Who has the perfect mix of absolute authority and divine mercy which does not violate the will or rights of men even when at times it is to the detriment of those men. The United States Constitution is a picture of the principals of the Christian faith which has stood the test of millennia. Judeo Christian values are the bed rock of our society and western culture in general, which is modeled most superbly in the United States Constitution. Additionally, because our forefathers unanimously believed that men are made in the image of God each individual in American society has intrinsic value and should be trusted and heeded not subjugated and controlled. Because the souls of men are eternal they should be served by the services and functions of a finite government. The constitution is flexible in that specific changes can be made as needed yet the enduring principles of the document are rigid and unchanging. This resoluteness gives the constitution an authority that transcends governments and documents speaking to the law which is written within the hearts of men. The constitution is not a "living" document subject to the whims and contrivances of frail humanity. The constitution is a declaration of natural and self evident fact which is so organized so as to maintain its efficiency and effectiveness by it shear simplistic genius for as long as mankind shall exists. Dark indeed will be the day when the fads and sins of fallen men dictate what truth is by epoch rather than the transcendent and self efficacious truth that resonates in the souls and consciousness of mankind. |
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