Now, I’d like to make two other statements before tackling “Faith and Politics” as November 6th quickly approaches. One, I do believe in the separation of Church and State, yet with this understanding, the “Wall of Separation” is a one way wall. Our founding fathers, and in particular Thomas Jefferson, I believe taught the same concept. The wall protects the Church from the State which should have no influence upon her religious practice. The wall doesn’t however stop the Church from influencing the State. The Church I speak of is not a particular denomination, but a body of individual believers who have a responsibility to seek right governance based upon our Judeo-Christian founding. And two, since this is my blog and it has no association with any church or religious organization I’m at liberty to state my thoughts as long as it doesn’t violate truth.
Every Christian’s life is to reflect the teachings and virtues of Christ Jesus. The words we speak, the actions we take, and associations we make reveal the depth and seriousness of our faith. I am by no means saying that we are to live perfect lives. We are an imperfect people living in a sin plagued world, yet we are to strive for Christ-likeness. But, let’s say for example I were to support and participate in an organization that promoted unbiblical principles and teachings. The Church and society world have every right to question my commitment to Christ, and expose the inconsistencies of my stated beliefs. In this writing that is what I intend to show.
In all my life, never can I remember a time when the platform of either of the two main political parties in our nation was so anti-God, anti-Bible, and pro-immorality. In September the Democratic National Convention put forth a platform that left out God, promoted homosexual marriage and abortion on demand, (legalized murder). Read again the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:18 – 32. In these passages Paul addresses the sins of worldliness; paganism, sexual perversion, homosexuality, murder, haters of God, unmerciful, and much more. I find it hard to believe that many good Christian people can continue to support such a platform. I know some will criticize my argument, and will even justify their choices by stating they support the candidate and not the platform. My question is, “Can the candidate truly be separated from his or her party platform?”
Here’s another question. As Christians can our faith be separated from our personal politics? I say no. The choices we make in everything we do reflect what we believe about Christ and His Word. All too often I believe Christians try to “compartmentalize” their faith, thinking it’s “just a Sunday thing.” Our faith is to influence every aspect of our daily lives, even in the choices we make for leaders. I also realize that ultimately God is in control. The Scriptures are very clear, it is God Who places kings on thrones, and it is God Who removes them also. We are simply His instrument in conducting His will.
I want to encourage you to do your civic and Christian duty on November 6th and go vote. But before you make your mark for any candidate, know that you have a responsibility to educate yourself about each person running, what they stand for and against. As Christians we also have a responsibility to seek God’s will through prayer before and after the vote.
Come November 7th let us hold no ill will as brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to serve the One Who is truly King of all.