A Great Review on Some Popular "Evangelical" Books
Todd Friel's review of 14 books produced by so called "Evangelical" writers is definitely worth listening to in this YouTube video. I have read some of the books he mentions and I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment.
The Land Between
(Finding God in difficult transitions)
By Jeff Manion
Manion uses the history of the Israelites slavery and journey out of Egypt as his background. Their story also serves as an illustration of the many difficult transitions we sometimes find ourselves in life. Like the people of Israel, we sometimes find ourselves in discomfort as we struggle to move forward and knowing there is no going back from whence we came, although that thought does run through our minds, thinking things were better in the past.
This is an excellent resource to use in biblical counseling and pastoral care for those who find themselves stuck in the midst of a life transition. I appreciate Manion's application of the many biblical truths displayed in his writing. He has a common sense style; his work is easy to read and I think very relatable to the average Christian reader. I highly recommend this book to pastors, biblical and pastoral counselors, and anyone passing through a difficult life transition. This book is on Amazon in several formats from $9.00 to $18.00. |
By Jerry Bridges
Who Am I is another tremendous resource from Jerry Bridges; I recommend this book often in the Biblical counseling I do through Christ-Centered Solutions. Bridges uses the Scriptures to drive home the point that each believer's identity is found in Christ Jesus alone. Just a quick glance of the chapter titles of his work are statements of encouragement and reassurance.
For those believers who are struggling with the question of "Who am I," this is a book they need to read, and they can do so in an afternoon. I usually assign the book to be read in a weeks time and we the counselee returns the following week I try to drive home Bridges point; the believer is IN CHRIST and secure. WHO AM I can be found on Amazon for $9:99 in paperback or $5:99 on Kindle. |
By Rod West
The Devotional Soul Care Journal is a Christ-Centered Solutions biblical resource and is often used in the Biblical counseling process. It is designed as a 60-day devotional aid for those in need of encouragement and spiritual growth.
The journal is arranged into twelve sections, God's Love, Loving Others, Worry & Anxiety, Faith, Depression, Forgiveness, Grief & Loss, Discouragement, Conflict, Hope, Truth, and Courage. Each section contains five days of study and journal entries along with quotes from several of Christendom's greatest pastors and teachers. This journal can be purchased from Amazon for $9.98. All proceeds from this journal go to the ministry of Christ-Centered Solutions to help those who are in need of pastoral and biblical care. |
The Youth Sermon Journal is perfect for both preteens and teens. This resource helps young listeners focus on Sunday’s message and weekly bible lessons with a fun and interactive format. Each section has three pages with a place for the focal passage, title, prayers, points, notes, questions, lesson learned, and applications.
The Youth Sermon Journal is designed to help young people grow in their faith and walk with God. There is also a Spanish edition. Both the English and Spanish versions can be purchased from Amazon for $7.98. All proceeds from this journal go to the ministry of Christ-Centered Solutions to help those who are in need of pastoral and biblical care. |
Dispensationalism Before Darby
By William C. Watson
This is not your ordinary book to read for leisure, or for the typical Christian in the pew. Dispensationalism Before Darby is a mind numbing read at times, yet it is a must read for the pastor or teacher who holds to a dispensation view of theology. It 's also a must read for those who stand adamantly against dispensationalism; be it either dispensational or reformed, we all could learn a few things from one another. Watson provides a strong case that dispensational ideas and teachings aren't something new in the Church, but existed before the reformation in the teachings of many pulpits (he uses many sermon quotes to back his claim). Darby may have begun the systemization of dispensationalism, but its teachings of can be clearly found in the Scriptures, especially in Paul's writings (Ephesians 1:9-10, and spelled out in the KJV). This book can be found on Amazon for about $25 bucks.
Things to Come
By J. Dwight Pentecost
This is a classic book on biblical eschatology, (end-time events), that I would recommend to scholars and lay students who are serious about their studies. Even though, Dr. Pentecost has long passed his writings on eschatology are still as relevant today as they were when he wrote this masterpiece. I use this book regularly when studying the Old Testament Prophets or when teaching classes in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Even modern scholars still refer to his work because of his expertise in the field of biblical eschatology.You can get this book at Barnes & Noble for less than $25 in the hardback edition, better yet it's also available for less than $10 on your nook.
Is God on America's Side?
By Dr. Erwin Lutzer
This little book is a tremendous read. It's less than 100 pages in length and is loaded with wisdom from a man whom God has blessed with great insight concerning cultural and spiritual matters, (I'm biased, I really enjoy his books and teachings). Dr. Lutzer addresses two forms of Christianity found in America today and their affects within political and spiritual circles. He outlines the difficulties Christians have walking the fine line between political and spiritual matters with great clarity. I would encourage all to take an afternoon and read this book and then closely examine your individual walk with Christ. I believe you'll find this book to be both challenging and helpful in your daily walk. This book is available from Barns and Noble in paperback and is downloadable for your Nook. (B&N link)
The Millennial Kingdom
By Dr. John Walvoord
Dr. Walvoord past a few years ago but his writings remain as a testimony to one of the greatest biblical writers on the topic of prophecy to ever live, at least that's my opinion. He was one of the great minds at Dallas Theological Seminary, and once served as president of this wonderful institution. His book on the Millennial Kingdom is a must read for those who want to understand not only the different views pertaining to the Kingdom, but also why the premillennial view of the Kingdom offers the best understanding of what the Scriptures actually teach. This book is not yet available for nook or kindle. You can get a copy for about $20 new at Barns and Noble.
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
by Erwin Lutzer
I don't know of one of Lutzer's books I haven't enjoyed or gained great insight from, but this particular book is one of his best in regards to defending a Biblical view against same-sex marriages. It is relatively short and to the point. He provides numerous examples from homosexuals and publications which reveal the true agenda of the homosexual movement in America. I would encourage you, Christian or non-Christian, to read this book and then check out the references for yourself. Is Lutzer biased? Absolutely, but who isn't when it comes to subjects such as this? The only thing I would ask is that we all be honest with our biases and presuppositions as we examine this controversial issues. You can pick up this book from Barnes & Noble in paperback or for your nook for less than $8. (Link for B&N)
Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You
By Grant R. Jeffrey
Did you know that almost everything you do in today’s society is recorded in some form or fashion? I've been in the security area of our local hospital and witnessed officers watching and recording almost every area of activity on campus. Think you’re in that elevator all alone? Think again! Someone is not only watching you but can also hear you if they choose to listen to you talking to yourself. Buy a particular book or magazine at Wal-Mart with a credit or debit card and there is a record generated. I read this book a couple of years back and thought Jeffrey’s insights and study was tremendous, and in light of what has taken place in our country recently with increased public surveillance I believe his conclusions are right on target. I found this to be a really good read. I got this book for my nook from Barns & Noble for about ten bucks. Click here for the link (Barn's & Noble).
Is God A Moral Monster?
Paul Copan takes on the "New Atheist" of our day like Richard Dawkins as they attack the God of the Old Testament. He provides numerous arguments against such attacks in a straightforward and logical presentation of the Scriptures. I certainly don't agree with everything Copan states, particularly his stance on replacement theology, but overall this is a good read. If you're into theological studies and apologetics I think you'll enjoy this book. I got my copy from Barnes and Noble for my nook for about ten bucks. (Click the link for B&N)
In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and how It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture
Alister McGrath gives us the story on the development of the King James Bible with all the stories about kings, queens, and church leaders of the sixteenth century. I have to be frank with you, it's a slow read. The history is great and I did enjoy most of the book, but some chapters were difficult because they're long and have so many details. This is more of an academic read for those of you who enjoy such things, (like me). This is a nook book also. (B&N link)