My Statement of Faith
On the Mount of Olives across from Jerusalem
I'm orthodox in my beliefs which can be summed up in a few simple statements
While not reformed in my theology, I do find much I agree with when it comes to my reformed brothers and sisters. I most certainly hold to the five Solas:
- There is one God manifested in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- The Son of God is Jesus the Christ, born of a virgin, lived a life without sin, died a sacrificial death on the cross for all, He was literally resurrected after three days in a tomb, and ascended back to His Father in heaven.
- At this present time Christ Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father on the Father’s throne interceding for the believer.
- Christ Jesus will literally return to rapture His Church, and at a latter time He will establish His literal 1000 year kingdom here on earth.
- Without any reservations I accept the entire Bible as true. It is the inspired Word of God, inerrant, and therefore the final authority in all matters of life.
While not reformed in my theology, I do find much I agree with when it comes to my reformed brothers and sisters. I most certainly hold to the five Solas:
- Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone")
- Sola fide ("by faith alone")
- Sola gratia ("by grace alone")
- Solus Christus ("Christ alone")
- Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone")