When President Obama was running for office five years ago he spoke of “fundamentally changing America.” Most Americans focused on the word “change” while ignoring the more important word, “fundamental.” What did President Obama mean when he made this statement? Did he mean he would seek to change the basic foundation of our country, the Judeo-Christian ideals from which we have operated for more than 230 years? I believe he did. Did he mean he would change the political structure of America that would more closely resemble that of other nations, particularly those in Europe who hold to a more socialistic view of government? I believe he did. Did he mean he would seek to change the fundamental structure of the American family to be more inclusive? I believe he did.
If you operate from a secular worldview then most likely your perception of President Obama is one of greatness. You probably see him as an advocate for the “little guy,” those who have been used and abused by a system that some believe favors individuals who are wealthy and powerful. He is a champion for minority populations who have long believed they had no voice in the public arena, and now their time has come not for equality, but payback and advancement.
If you operate from a Biblical worldview then President Obama is seen in a much different light. His policies, and that of his administration, are viewed as destructive on a national level, and more pointed they are antithetical to the cause of Christ. With each passing day of his new term President Obama continues to reveal his true agenda, one which appears to be geared more toward an extreme leftist ideology and social engineering. His, “fundamentally changing America” seems to directly target traditional American ideals and Orthodox Christianity.
Let’s briefly examine some of his statements and the actions of his administration as it concerns the pro-gay movement in America.
In regards to gay marriage President Obama made the following statement in an interview with ABC news on May 9, 2012, “It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married.” In April 2008, just four years earlier, then Senator Obama stated, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian ... it is also a sacred union.”
His previous statements during his run for the presidency in 2008, and those made during his first term are incongruent with the beliefs he holds now, and those he held during his time in the Illinois state Senate. His press secretary once stated that the president’s views were not so much a change as they were simply “evolving.” All indications point to President Obama being pro-gay marriage, then anti-gay marriage, now he’s pro-gay marriage again. These actions do not suggest someone “evolving” in their thinking, but simply vacillating for political expediency. It should also be stated that his present views are certainly not Christian.
Two years into his first term, and during his State of the Union address on January 27, 2010 President Obama informed America that he would work with Congress to repeal the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy of our military. In essence, he was not only promoting the gay agenda at that time, but systematically beginning the process of socially dismantling traditional marriage in America as we have known it. Along with this he ordered the Justice Department to no longer uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, and thereby violate the Constitution which he swore to uphold and protect.
Now, just this past Sunday in his pre-Super Bowl interview with CBS President Obama has once again used his bully pulpit to promote a pro-homosexual agenda. When asked should scouting be open to gays President Obama responded with an emphatic yes. When asked why, he went on to state, “Because I think my attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does, in every institution and walk of life. The Scouts are a great institution that are promoting young people and exposing them to opportunities and leadership that will serve people for the rest of their lives. And I think nobody should be barred from that.”
President Obama is correct when he states the Scouts are great institution in building young men, but he is absolutely wrong in his belief that every institution should have an open door policy for anyone and everyone no matter their sexual orientation. The pro-homosexual agenda violates not only the core beliefs of the Boy Scouts of America, but the very foundation on which this great organization has been built. Placing gay men in positions of Scout leaders simply opens the door for greater exploitation of little boys and young men which terrifies most parents.
If the Boy Scouts of America change their policies allowing homosexuals to openly participate it is believed this would decimate the program that has been so successful for more than 100 years. The American Family Association provided the following information concerning scouting in Canada when they change their policies concerning homosexuals.
"Consider, in 1998, the Canadian Scouts (CS) opened its doors to homosexuals. Less than a decade later, the number of boys in scouting dropped by more than 50%. In addition, CS has been forced to sell scores of camps, close offices and lay off staff. If the Boy Scouts of America changes its policy, it will lose on two fronts. Christian-chartered groups will drop out of scouting and the homosexual machine will continue to attack."
So we come back to our original question, “Is President Obama evil?”
First, let me state my answer is based upon my Biblical worldview, not that I am somehow a homophobic or hater of gays. This is always the line of attack from those who disagree with the traditional Christian view of homosexuality.
Second, we should define “evil” from a biblical perspective. Evil can be defined as, “Profound immorality, wickedness, depravity, and having no moral justification for its actions.” Basically evil is the opposite of good. In reality all men, (in the generic sense), are evil. Take special note of Genesis 6:5 The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Apart from Christ all are evil. Read also Romans 3:10 – 18.
Third, the Scriptures also indicate those who support and promote sin are evil. Note, Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Read also Proverbs 6::12 – 19, and 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 11. The promotion and normalization of any sin by any individual is evil, not just those in leadership.
Lastly, there is no denying that our president supports and promotes what God considers evil, and he does so without any apparent reservations. His stance on homosexuality is only part of the story; his views on abortion and anti-Israel stance, (in actions not words) are also evil. No doubt my suggestion that President Obama is evil will upset some, yet as we look back through the annals of history very few would have an issue with calling other world leaders “evil” who practiced such things in their day. I make one more suggestion to consider before closing for those I may anger; maybe the problem isn't with Orthodox Christians and traditionalists like myself, but with the Word of God that we so strongly believe and hold to.
Let us pray together for our leaders, our country, our churches and pastors, our families, those who find themselves trapped in the homosexual lifestyle, and organizations like the Boy Scouts of America. May we seek the will of God and continue to be bold in the presentation of His Gospel in the truth of His Word.