Part of my ministry requires me to read a variety of books, periodicals, and other sources each week. I daily come across articles that often shock the senses, even though I shouldn't be based on the things that I deal with regularly in ministry. For example, I recently read an article in my local online paper that detailed a new trend concerning older Americans and their fear of STDs. These are individuals who were once in long-term monogamous relationships but are no longer because of divorce or a spousal death.
These individuals are at a greater risk for communicable diseases because they still wish to be sexually active, yet as the old saying goes, “They want to play the field.” These adults range in age from their mid-forty’s into their seventies. One might think these mature adults would have a more puritanical view of sex outside of marriage until we realize many are part of the Baby Boomer generation. This is the same generation that experimented with drugs and free love.
In many ways, Baby Boomers help set the path we’re on today as a country. These are the parents and grandparents that broke with many traditional ideas and philosophies in their youth, rebelling against the norms of their day. It was during the sixties and seventies the stage was set for a reforming of the American family. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming the Baby Boomer generation for the ills of present-day society. I believe the path we’re on has been a progressive one which was set long ago, and the natural outcome leads to the denigration of our civilization.
The five trends I write of are simply a part of that normal progression of a sinful culture with fewer and fewer checks and balances. Let me remind you, the Bible along with a vibrant church used to serve as two of those checks and balances, providing a firm foundation one could build his or her life upon. Without this solid foundation the natural and logical outcome would ultimately lead to the destruction of the family structure in any cultural setting. The promotion of strong healthy families has been the backbone of every successful culture of people throughout the centuries.
The first trend involves a continued rise in the normalization of nontraditional families. These are couples who have chosen to have families, and as we used to say “play house” without committing themselves to marriage. There is no longer any shame or guilt associated with living together outside the bounds of matrimony. It was recently reported that 40% of the babies being born in our country are birthed by single mothers. Even more alarming is the fact that 74% of African-American babies are born in single parent homes.
We are creating a guilt free fatherless society in which many little boys and girls will face a lifetime of issues from poverty, violence, and sexual exploitation. Without intervention, many of these children will wander aimlessly through life looking for answers to their questions only to repeat the same mistakes their parents made. You don’t have to look very far to find study after study that suggest fathers in the home make a tremendous difference in the lives of children. Yet why aren't these men taking responsibility for the women they impregnate and the children they sire? The reason should be obvious; many of these little boys are growing up without the example of not only a committed father, but what a man should actually be in the home and family. It seems that many of these young men live in a fantasy world more concerned with how they perform playing a video game than living in the real world.
The second trend concerns the gains being made by a radical homosexual agenda. In this last election cycle three more states voted to approve of allowing gay marriage. Another state voted against a constitutional amendment to support traditional marriage, thereby providing same-sex couples the opportunity to marry. At the time of this writing we are still waiting to hear from the United States Supreme Court if they will hear a case on the constitutionality of gay marriage in the state of California. By all accounts the Supreme Court will eventually hear one of the many cases concerning same-sex marriage which will most likely supersede the laws and constitutions of the 39 states who have voted in favor of traditional marriage.
Young people in their teens and twenties are naturally drawn to support same-sex marriage as a civil right. These young people have grown up in a culture where family members and friends have come out of the closet, and in their mind appear to be no different than them. They've been bombarded with a pro-homosexual message in the media and in the public school setting. For some it is a question of equality while for others it is a question of personal freedom.
One of the most disconcerting aspects of this issue is the sheer number of teens and young adults who in supporting same-sex marriage also claim to be Christians. These are individuals who after sitting under the tutelage of trained clergy, and conservative congregations for years do not see how their views conflict with Scripture. Evidently, many of us have done a poor job in connecting biblical truth with one’s personal behavior and choices.
One of the most common beliefs today is that same-sex relationships are as normal as heterosexual relationships, and therefore has no long-term impact upon our society. This belief not only violates the teachings of the Old Testament, but also the teachings of Christ and his apostles. In my studies of the truth behind the homosexual agenda what I discovered is an orchestrated effort to change the idea of traditional families as we have known them for centuries.
Mark Christopher in his book entitled, “Same-Sex Marriage: is it Really the Same?” makes the following statement: “same-sex marriage is not about marriage, it is about destroying the traditionally Christian idea of the family.” I would encourage you to listen to a message I delivered on March 18, 2012 entitled, “When Christians Struggle to Respond” from Romans 1:25 – 28. In this message I’m more fully outline the homosexual agenda, and what our biblical response should be as Christians.
It is my hope that you will join with me in prayer as we combat Satan and his attacks against the family unit as established in God’s word. As Christians it is our duty to live holy lives and speak truth while we await the return of Christ.
Next week will examine the final three trends rooted in idolatry and ignorance.